Computer Networking Basic Component

Hi, friends my previous post I explained  the Basic networking lesson.In this lesson I'll hope to discuss about What are the basic components to computer networking.

In this post I'll explain;

1.Why Computer Networking?
2.Networking Basic Components

 So first ,I have one question:Why Computer Networking.
 Computer networks help users on the network to share the resources and in communication. Can you imagine  a world now without emails, online newspapers, blogs, chat and the other services offered by the internet?

I explain this one by one:

File Sharing:

Networking of computers helps the network users to share data files.

Hardware Sharing:

Users can share devices such as printers, scanners, CD-ROM drives, hard drives etc. Without computer networks, device sharing is not possible.

User communication:

Networks allow users to communicate using e-mail, newsgroups, and video conferencing etc.

So I think you got some idea Why computer Networking?

Next I hope to explain What are the basic components to computer networking:

• Transmission media 

• Connectors

• NIC (Network Interface Card) 

• Protocols

• Address 

• Hub / Switch 

• Modem 

• Router 

Transmission media:

Transmission media are the facilities used to interconnect computers in a network, Transmission media are sometimes called channels, links or lines.

Transmission media devide 2 main part:

1.Guided media

2.Unguided media

**Guided media(Cable)**

UTP Cable

Coaxial Cable

Fiber Optics

**Unguided media(Wireless)**




       My another post I'll explain this topics                                                                


Hub is a device that splits a network connection into multiple computers. It is like a distribution center. When a computer requests information from a network or a specific computer, it sends the request to the hub through a cable. The hub will receive the request and transmit it to the entire network. Each computer in the network should then figure out whether the broadcast data is for them or not.


Switch is a telecommunication device grouped as one of computer network components. Switch is like a Hub but built in with advanced features. It uses physical device addresses in each incoming messages so that it can deliver the message to the right destination or port.


route is device that forward data packets between computers.

Routers can be devide 3 main parts

1.ADSL Routers

2.3G / 4G Routers

3.Wireless / wifi Routers

1. ADSL Routers(A Digital Subscriber Line)

       This Routers call "Broadband".This Routers connect to Internet using Telephone.

2. 3G/ 4G Routers

This Routers connect to Internet using Computers.

3. Wireless/Wifi Routers

Wireless Router is a device without cables.

My another post I'll explain IP addressing in Computer Networking





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